Sunday, February 11, 2007

A Celebration of Japanese Lesbianism

A chocolate statue of two ladypops going at it was unveiled in Tokyo this week. On hand was Japablum's own bodacious advice columnist Mika Kano, right, whose soft, supple, seldom unphotographed body was used as a model for the two chocolate mufftroopers. So in a way, a chocolate-covered Mika Kano is doing it with herself. Japablum's head is exploding.

On hand for the unveiling were Prime Minister Abe, his entire cabinet, the entire male membership of the Japanese Diet, including every last man from the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors, and every male member of the Japanese citizenry from Hokkaido to Kyushu. There were also a few Russians.

Japablum was the only attendee that brought a fork and a glass of milk.

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