Monday, August 27, 2007

Japablum Marketplace Report: Avril Lavigne-Head Handbags Flying Off Shibuya Shelves

A new brand of Avril Lavigne-head handbags are the latest "kawaii" (cute) product to capture the attention of young female shoppers in Tokyo's trendy Shibuya district. The Canadian pop singer, whose famous shrunken head has graced countless teen magazine covers in Japan, has been ruining everyone's summer for going on three months now with her catchy home-wrecker anthem "Girlfriend." Now she appears to be poised to ruin many Falls and Winters, at least in Japan.

"Her face is so cute, like a pair of red Oh Deer! Patent Peeptoes or a baby duck," says Shibuya shopper Kai. "Her miniature head is the perfect size to fit all of my makeup, hair products, and self-tanning cream, not to mention my emergency eyelash extensions and my favorite hand mirror," she continues as her mother, Ryoko, rolls her eyes and sticks her index finger towards her mouth in the international hand signal for "gag me."

Kai's shopping mates agree. Best friend Keiko has moved the new Lavigne-head bags to the top spot on her Top Ten Cute Things That I Need at Least Five Of list, a list that also includes the Kawaii Geisha Tea Set, the Angry Babyz stuffed animal collection, and the Hello Kitty Pullip Doll.

Thanks to the popularity of the Lavigne-head handbag collection, the company that produced them is currently looking into developing similar items, including Avril Lavigne-head change purses, Avril Lavigne-head earrings, and Avril Lavigne-head malted milk balls.

"Oh, malted milk balls would be perfect!" Kai enthused. "I want to be able to eat Avril Lavigne's head!"

No doubt an activity that Kai and her mother can enjoy.

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