Wednesday, November 28, 2007

From the Heart of Smutty Kabukicho: Every Woman's Dream (Kind of)

Hey, sweet mama. How you feeling? Yeah, me and my friends are just taking a cigarette break between clients. What's that, baby? Yeah, we work at the same host club. Huh? Yeah, I guess we are all pretty supple. Thanks for noticing. You look kind of supple, too. Well, you know, for your age.

What'd you say? Yeah, we do all iron our hair. Actually, we have hair-ironing parties once a week at our boss's place here in Kabukicho. It's pretty fun. We also blindfold ourselves and cut each other's hair.

You really oughta come into the club for a while so we can get to know each other better. I'd show you a real good time once you bought a drink. There's nothing like good conversation with a lonely rich woman forced to pay money for companionship. Nothing like it.

Yeah, that's right. Drop those inhibitions. Come on in. You got any hairspray?

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