Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Japablum Thinks There Should Be More Awards Ceremonies

And, thankfully, so does the Japan Fur Association, who recently awarded their coveted "Fur of the Year Award" to actor Hiroki Narimiya and actress Maki Tamaru, both of whose household pets recently died under mysterious circumstances. Japablum has launched an investigation into the deaths of Patrice and Harold, a Tazmanian she-wolf and Nigerian leopard respectively because we firmly believe that animals should not be killed just so that we humans can receive awards that aren't even made of gold. We hope to bring Narimiya and Tamaru to justice soon, and to give their awards to our cat Stella.

In the mean time, please enjoy our entry into the Fur of the Year contest:

We got totally shafted.


princess kanomanom said...


And check it out, 'pab: That's freaky, too.

princess kanomanom said...

Further, 'pab, how 'bout you guys go and check this out [
keralino-sandorovich-qanda] and report back to us readers?